Installing penguins-eggs filesystem.squashfs directly to usb drive by-passing iso file booting.
 Summary of bash script here:
ws filesys btn
 Opens a file window so you can browse to and select a filesystem.squashfs file and this will will be written to your custom WIDEshell USB.
eggs filesys btn  Sets eggs nest as filesystem source: /home/eggs/.mnt/iso/live/filesystem.squashfs
usb drives btn

 Opens new program window that lists all mounted partitions. Gparted button to launch gparted manually.

Buttons for /dev/sdb through /dev/sdg drives that will build your custom WIDEshell USB.

grub info btn  Opens new display window that lists information about grub configuration and documentation.
requirements btn  Opens new display window stating the WIDEshell program requirements.
about btn  Opens new display window with information about  WIDEshell, penguins-eggs,